Institutions that are active in the fields of science, education or cultural heritage, may submit a request to participate in the knowledge network of e-Infrastructures Austria.
Associated partners will typically share similar goals, or their activities have similar target groups to the project e-Infrastructures Austria (Scientists, Librarians, Research Services, Teachers, Students).
To participate, the institutions will be invited in the project as "Associated partners". Associated partners are excluded from any financial allocation or legal claims and have no voting rights. The status of "associated partner" may be terminated at any time by any of the parties, and at the latest by the end of the project e-Infrastructures Austria.
The associated partners are invited by Project Management to participate by way of joining any of the work packages, making possible a reciprocal know-how transfer. Project Management is responsible for managing the relationship with the associated partners.
Associated partners are entitled to participate in the General Assembly and any other Governing Body of the project, providing there are no objections to the effect. Associated partners must agree with the Consensual Agreement of the project. The same Terms and Conditions apply to all partners, including the associated partners.