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Think Tank

The Think Tank is a group of multi disciplinary organisations (such as industry, politics, and science) that provides insight and expertise to the different organisational units of project e-Infrastructures Austria. The Think Tank actively participates in the definition of long-term development strategies and provides motivation for their implementation. The Think Tank only provides recommendations, however.

It promotes the networking with similar Austrian and European institutions working in similar projects, and ensures that Austria is connected with the rest of the world in research matters, promotes access to decision-makers in Austria and in the European Union, and facilitates access to qualified and structured data and information.


  • Gerhard Budin, University of Vienna


  • Brigitte Mazohl, University of Innsbruck; President of the Philosophical-Historical Class; Vicepresident of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
  • Carlos Morais-Pires, EU Commission Data Infrastructures within Unit e-Infrastructure
  • Matthias Reiter-Pázmándy, Profile development and Research infrastructures in Humanities, Social and Cultural Sciences, Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economics
  • Falk Reckling, FWF
  • A Min Tjoa, Vienna University of Technology, Head of the Institute of Software Technology
  • Susanne Weigelin-Schwiedrzik, Vice-rector for Research, University of Vienna
  • Ruth Wodak, University of Lancaster, University of Vienna 


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