- Securing digital objects (depending on discipline-specific requirements), taking into account quality and warranty
- Providing permanent availability of all digital objects
- Facilitating the presentation and utilisation of the research output using portal technologies
- Increasing the visibility of research performance of all participant institutions
- Increasing the reputation and image of all project partners
- Developing Repository Infrastructures for specific purposes (cultural heritage materials, image databases, content mining, etc.)
- Providing support for Persistent Identifiers (publications, research data, researchers etc.)
- Ensuring a legal framework for security in the digital age (copyright, right of use, access rights, Internet publishing, re-use of digital content in the university sector for other purposes -such as teaching or Open Access)
- Interoperability with existing systems in each institution and interoperability with existing systems locally (e.g. Federal Promotion Funds FWF and Austrian Research Promotion Agency FFG) and internationally (e.g. Europeana, OpenAIREplus, publishers)
- Facilitating participation in international projects that require an operational repository
- Enabling appropriate infrastructures for Open Access in Austrian institutions
- Monitoring and statistics (downloads, Open Access uptake, usage, impact indicators etc.)
- Preparation for Horizon 2020
- Contributing to regional development in accordance with EU regional policy
University of Vienna | Universitätsring 1 | 1010 Vienna | T +43-1-4277-0