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Workshops and Events 2016

  • DMP trainings: 16.3.2016, 9.5.2016, 2.6.2016 and 10.11.2016/University of Vienna; 30.3.2016/Danube University of Krems; 20.9.2016/University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences; Lecturers: Susanne Blumesberger and Barbara Sanchéz Solís
  • Wissenstransferzentrum Ost, Continuing education programme, 13.1.2016/Technical University of Vienna; Lecture: e-Infrastructures Austria and Data Management Plans; Paolo Budroni
  • Workshop "Software Solutions for Long-Term Archivation and Repository Administration from the User's Perspective," 21.4.2016/University of Vienna; organised by Adelheid Mayer (cluster J): http://phaidra.univie.ac.at/o:438695
  • Digitale Hochschule Österreich, "What's up?", BMWFW, 26.4.2016/Vienna, Presentation: "e-Infrastructures Austria," Paolo Budroni
  • Presentation e-Infrastructures Austria and research data survey, 24.5.2016/University of Edinburgh; Lecture "What is really needed? Towards an Open Science and Research Data Management - Results of a National Survey in Austria" by Paolo Budroni, Raman Ganguly, Barbara Sanchéz Solís; Meeting organised by Robin Rice (Data Librarian EDINA and Data Library, University of Edinburgh
  • Presentation e-Infrastructures Austria and research data survey, 24.5.2016/University of Edinburgh; Lecture "What is really needed? Towards an Open Science and Research Data Management - Results of a National Survey in Austria" by Paolo Budroni, Raman Ganguly, Barbara Sanchéz Solís; Meeting organised by Kevin Ashley (Director DCC) and Sarah Jones (Senior Institutional Support Officer DCC)
  • Research Data Conference, Porto, 22.9.2016, Paolo Budroni, "Towards Open Science, Results of a National Survey in Austria," the project e-Infrastrucutres Austria: http://confdados.rcaap.pt/programafinal/
  • Workshop on e-accessibility, "Library4All - Accessible Libraries," 13.10.2016/University of Vienna; organised by Andreas Jeitler (cluster L)
  • Digital Curation Centre and e-Infrastructures Austria: Data Management Plan (DMP) Workshop, 17.11.2016/OeAD, Vienna; organised by the project management of e-Infrastructures Austria
  • I dati della ricerca in ambito umanistico. Problematiche e prospettive, 24.11.2016/Palazzo del Capitano, Padua; organised by Universitá degli Studi di Padova, Sistema Bibliotecario die Ateneo
  • Workshop "New roles in Open Science and Data Stewardship," 25.11.2016/Università Ca'Foscari Venezia/Elsevier


International Conferences 2016 (in cooperation with e-Infrastructures Austria)

In April 2016, the University of Vienna hosted an international workshop and a two-day international conference. Invitations were sent to all e-Infrastructures Austria project partners:

  • "LEaders Activating Research Networks (LEARN) Workshop - Caribbean," 24.11.2016/Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago


Workshops and Events 2015

  • Continuation of the workshop series begun in 2014 "How to Develop a Data Management Plan," (cluster C) 27.1.2015/Graz, 19.3.2015/Salzburg
  • Workshop "Creative Commons in the Sciences," (cluster E) 3.3. 2015/Vienna
  • Workshop "OJS and Visual Library: Software for the management and publication of open access journals," (cluster F) 18.3.2015/Vienna
  • Workshop "Software Solution for long-term archiving from a user perspective, (cluster J) 21.4.2016/Vienna
  • Informational event "Preparation and saving of born digital objects: a use case from the Austrian National Archive," 19.5.2015/Salzburg
  • Workshop "Digital object identifiers for research results: providers and best practice," (cluster K) 8.6.2015/Vienna
  • Informational event "Search Engines," (cluster D) 9.6.2015/Vienna
  • Workshop with Elsevier "Research Data Management. Libraries and Publishers. Roles and Compentencies," 11.11.2015/Vienna


Workshops and Events 2014

  • Workshop "Legal & Ethical Issues" (Digitalisation and Archiving), 23.6.2014/St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences
  • Workshop on Goobi, 8.10.2014/State Library of Upper Austria, Linz
  • Workshop on Visual Library, 13.10.2014/Library of the University of Graz
  • Workshop "Legal & Ethical Issues" (Theme: University Theses), 13.11.2014/LIbrary of the University of Linz
  • Four workkshops on data management plans: 19.11.2014 in Vienna, 11.12.2014 in Innsbruck































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