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Cluster I - Metadata  

Our objectives are two-fold, first to build of a Knowledge Network and a Knowledge Platform for metadata, second to create guidelines on how to deal with different issues regarding metadata. Cluster I focuses on creating an overview of standards (DC, MODS, METS, etc) and their advantages and disadvantages in relation to specific data sets, reviewing the subject of Linked (Open) Data and its implementation, analysing best practices, and performing a requirements analysis regarding the metadata needed by researchers. Cluster I also deals with the possibility of using Controlled Vocabularies, and with issues such as how to deal with non-standard terms and multilingual metadata. In addition, Cluster I addresses the use of data management plans.

Team Leader: Susanne Blumesberger, Library, University of Vienna

Susanne Blumesberger, Phaidra Management in the University of Vienna, also manages the CRM System of the Permanent Digital Archive Phaidra and is additionally a member of the working groups Open Access and Corporate Social Responsibility. Additional information can be found by visiting www.blumesberger.at




Michael BernkopfVetMedUnimichael.bernkopf@vetmeduni.ac.at
Veronika GründhammerULB Tirolveronika.gruendhammer@uibk.ac.at
Silvia GstreinULB Tirolsilvia.gstrein@uibk.ac.at
Gerhard HolzerÖAWgerhard.holzer@oeaw.ac.at
Rastislav HudakZID Uni Wienrastislav.hudak@univie.ac.at
Andreas KrexhammerÖAWandreas.krexhammer@oaew.ac.at
Christoph LadurnerTU Grazchristoph.ladurner@tugraz.at
Ralf PauszUB Wienralf.pausz@univie.ac.at
José Luis PrezaZID Uni Wienjose.luis.preza@univie.ac.at
Nina RannharterUni Wien DIFABnina.rannharter@univie.ac.at
Imola Dora Riehle-TraubUB Wienimola.dora.traub@univie.ac.at
Yukiko SakabeÖAWyukiko.sakabe@oeaw.ac.at
Stefan SzepeUni MDWszepe@mdw.ac.at
Alexander ZartlUB Wienalexander.zartl@univie.ac.at
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